Kleine Torenvalk
Falco naumanni · Lesser Kestrel
id | 69699 | |
datum | 10 september 2022 | |
gekoppeld aan | 69415 | |
gemeente | Alphen aan den Rijn (gemeente) (ZH) | |
locatie | Bentwoud | |
coördinaten | N 52.07568 O 4.5984 | |
aantal, kleed | 1, 1e kj vrouw | |
soort waarneming | veldwaarneming | |
status | Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA | |
waarnemer(s) | G van der Voet, G Bakker | |
opmerkingen | photographed. Only the second record – the first involved a bird found moribund at Bergen NH on 5 November 2000 (Ebels & Roselaar 2005) – and again it eluded the crowds. Sightings of an Eleonora’s Falcon F eleonorae and a Red-footed Falcon F vespertinus led many birders to the Bentwoud area. Here, two observers independently photographed a suspect kestrel. The first observer published his photographs (thought to be of a Red-footed) on www.waarneming.nl, where validators identified it as Common Kestrel F tinnunculus. For various reasons, the second observer withdrew his initial thoughts on the bird (‘possibly a Lesser Kestrel’), identified it as Common and did not publish any photographs. Months later, two Belgian birders discovered the photographs on www.waarneming.nl, which lead to re-identification as Lesser Kestrel. The record was submitted and several experts were asked for their opinion on the bird’s identification. First-year Lesser and Common are difficult to separate. In this case, the full set of photographs revealed multiple characters in favour of Lesser, safely ruling out Common. A detailed paper on this record will be published in due course. | |
gekoppelde gevallen | 69415 |
10 september 2022 Waddinxveen (gemeente) (ZH) Bentwoud - Oost |
69699 |
10 september 2022 Alphen aan den Rijn (gemeente) (ZH) Bentwoud |

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