Westelijke Rosse Waaierstaart

Cercotrichas galactotes galactotes  ·  Western Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin

id 68724
datum 14 t/m 16 september 2020: 3 dagen
gekoppeld aan 68501
gemeente Almere (FL)
locatie Wilgenbos, Verbindingszone de Vaart
coördinaten N 52.42233  O 5.2316
aantal, kleed 1, 1e kj
soort waarneming veldwaarneming
status Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA
waarnemer(s) A H V Eggenhuizen, B Reussien, C J Breek et al
opmerkingen ringed, photographed, videoed (Dutch Birding 42: 369, plate 490, 463, plate 635, 2020). The first record was as recent as 2013, the second followed in 2016 and 2020 already hosted the third. Is this just a coincidence, or can more birds be expected in the near future? This year’s individual was rediscovered in the field not far from the ringing site where it was first trapped. Its condition seemed to detoriate during its stay and just like the 2016 bird it was thought likely that it died rather than moved on after it was last seen. At the site where it went to sleep on the last night of its stay, fox droppings were found the next morning – leaving birders with plenty of room for speculation. Many believed that the slightly worn bird was an adult but, eg, the inner primaries and secondaries were still quite fresh, showing pale edges, matching a young bird. Therefore the committee believed the bird was in fact a 1cy. This was confirmed by Yosef Kiat, who has significant experience with the species in the hand in Israel.
gekoppelde gevallen 68501 13 t/m 16 september 2020
Almere (FL) Wilgenbos, Verbindingszone de Vaart
68724 14 t/m 16 september 2020
Almere (FL) Wilgenbos, Verbindingszone de Vaart


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Daniël Boer · Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin - Rosse waaierstaart 14-09-2020

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