
Aegypius monachus  ·  Cinereous Vulture

id 68374
datum 25 mei 2019
gekoppeld aan 68127
gemeente Apeldoorn (GE)
locatie De Maten-Noord, en Vogelbuurt, Apeldoorn
coördinaten N 52.19900  O 5.9850
aantal, kleed 1, 2e kj
soort waarneming veldwaarneming
status Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA
waarnemer(s) T Kompier et al
opmerkingen photographed, videoed (Ebels 2019; Dutch Birding 41: 214, plate 267-268, 271, plate 365, 280, plate 377, 284, plate 383, 2019). The ink of our policy for birds originating from reintroduction programmes was still wet when no less than three Cinereous Vultures turned up within 16 days, all with a different background story. These birds therefore formed an interesting test case for the new directives. Wild-born rarities originating from self-sustaining reintroduced populations are eligible for acceptance. Two sightings were accepted (third and fourth record), whereas the third one was not. The Limburg bird was seen and photographed well in Belgium, near the Dutch border. When it took off (in the company of a Griffon Vulture) it passed the southern tip of the Netherlands where it was seen by three birders. This wild-born bird had been ringed as a nestling with white ring FUH on 9 June 2017 at Parc Naturel des Grands Causses, Aveyron, France, where a reintroduction programme started in 1992. Birds were last released as long ago as 2004 and this population is now regarded as self-sustaining. White FUH was therefore accepted (it was placed in category C in Belgium). The Drenthe bird was unmarked and (therefore) also wild born. Because vagrancy to north-western Europe has occurred long before the start of reintroduction programmes (with, for instance, a bird shot in the Netherlands in 1948), birds showing no signs of originating from a reintroduction programme are treated as wild birds by the committee. A third bird that flew over Noord-Brabant and Limburg and into Germany on 9 May was not accepted. This individual (dubbed ‘Brinzola’) was never actually seen in the field but its GPS tracker revealed it crossed the Netherlands a day after it was seen in Belgium. It was subsequently seen in Germany, Sweden and Norway, where it crashed into a wind turbine and died in March 2020. It was born in the wild in Spain in 2016 where it was picked up weakened near Palancia that same year. After its recovery, it was included into a reintroduction programme at Sierra de la Demanda, La Rioja, where it was released in October 2018. Six months later, it started wandering north. ‘Brinzola’ was transferred twice (75 and 175 km) and lived in captivity for c 80% of its life (over two years) before it was seen in the Netherlands. ‘Brinzola’ thereby showed many similarities to a not accepted bird in 2005 (‘Carmen’), that spent 22 months in captivity and was transferred several times, that also showed up in the Netherlands shortly after it was released (back) into the wild. The committee regards the unusual life history of ‘Brinzola’ to be similar to that of an introduced individual rather than a wild bird and it was therefore not accepted on status.
gekoppelde gevallen 68127 24 mei 2019
Tynaarlo (DR) Eelderdiep, De Onlanden, en Eelderwolde (en Weeringsbroeken, en Peizerweering, De Onlanden, Noordenveld,)
68375 24 mei 2019
Groningen (GR) Groningen (Vloeivelden Suikerunie, en Corpus den Hoorn Zuid, en Stadspark, en De Held, en Hoendiep)
68372 25 mei 2019
Hellendoorn (OV) Hellendoornse Broek, en Hellendoornse Berg, Sallandse Heuvelrug, Hellendoorn, en Luttenberg, Raalte
68373 25 mei 2019
Olst-Wijhe (OV) Wesepe - Boxbergen
68374 25 mei 2019
Apeldoorn (GE) De Maten-Noord, en Vogelbuurt, Apeldoorn

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