Turdus atrogularis · Black-throated Thrush
id | 68341 | |
datum | 31 maart t/m 3 april 2020: 4 dagen | |
gemeente | Utrecht (UT) | |
locatie | Hoograven Noord | |
coördinaten | vervaagd | |
aantal, kleed | 1, 2e kj vrouw | |
soort waarneming | veldwaarneming | |
status | Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA | |
waarnemer(s) | P W W de Rouw et al | |
opmerkingen | photographed, sound-recorded, videoed (Dutch Birding 42: 226, plate 300, 2020, 43: 76, plate 117, 2021). Yet another record of this formerly very rare species. Somewhat surprisingly, it returned the next winter – a novum in this species. Nine out of 13 birds on the Dutch list, including this year’s individual, were seen for more than one day. The average duration of stay of all 13 birds combined is 26 days. | |
gekoppelde gevallen | 68341 |
31 maart t/m 3 april 2020 Utrecht (UT) Hoograven Noord |
68699 |
4 december 2020 t/m 13 april 2021 Utrecht (UT) Utrecht - Hoograven - Noord |
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