Kleine Regenwulp
Numenius minutus · Little Curlew
id | 68319 | |
datum | 23 december 2019 t/m 18 januari 2020: 27 dagen | |
gemeente | Hollands Kroon (NH) | |
locatie | Hollands Kroon | |
coördinaten | N 52.79612 O 4.8615 | |
aantal, kleed | 1, 1-2 kj | |
soort waarneming | veldwaarneming | |
status | Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA | |
waarnemer(s) | S Algera, F Visscher, E B Ebels et al | |
opmerkingen | photographed, videoed (Algera & Ebels 2020; Dutch Birding 42: 49, plate 68, 65, plate 98-99, 81, plate 118, 82, plate 119, 83, plate 120-123, 144, plate 205, 2020). Right before Christmas, 2019 had one more surprise in stock. The ninth Little Curlew for the WP was found by an observer reading Eurasian Curlew N arquata rings. The date was remarkable, since very few winter records from the Northern Hemisphere are known. With relatively few accessible sites in Asia and Australia to connect with this species, it was a new bird for many a world lister and it therefore did not only draw Dutch but also quite a few foreign birders to the site. | |
gekoppelde gevallen | 68319 |
23 december 2019 t/m 18 januari 2020 Hollands Kroon (NH) Hollands Kroon |
68327 |
23 december 2019 t/m 18 januari 2020 Schagen (NH) Polder Burgerhorn eo |
Kleine Regenwulp in de kop van Noord-Holland! [dutchbirding.nl]

Leo JR Boon · Kleine Regenwulp, Schagen, 23 december 2019
DB 42:81 Kleine Regenwulp bij Schagen in december 2019-januari 2020

Daniël Boer · Little Curlew [first one for the Netherlands] - Kleine Regenwulp 30-12-2019
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