
Emberiza cirlus  ·  Cirl Bunting

id 67696
datum 14 mei 2018
gemeente Castricum (NH)
locatie Noordhollands Duinreservaat, terrein Castricum
coördinaten N 52.53377  O 4.6332
aantal, kleed 1
soort waarneming veldwaarneming
status Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA
waarnemer(s) H. Schekkerman, H. Groot et al
opmerkingen 14 May, male, photographed, sound-recorded (H Schekkerman, H Groot et al; Admiraal et al 2018; Dutch Birding 40: 211, plate 284, 2018). With the previous one being in 2011, this year’s long-staying, territorial male on the border of Limburg and Noord-Brabant was much appreciated. Somewhat surprisingly, a second bird turned up along the coast but this one was very elusive. It was found right next to the singing presumed hybrid Western Bonelli’s x Wood Warbler Phylloscopus bonelli x sibilatrix (see above). The observers speculated that the similarity of their songs must have drawn the bunting to the site. The bird vanished into thin air within minutes after it was found. Despite 100s of birders being in the area for a nearby Eastern Bonelli’s Warbler P orientalis, only a handful caught a glimpse of this unpredictable bunting that moved over several kilometres within short time spans. A song analysis confirmed that, despite the distances between the sightings, only one bird was involved. Annual Report 2018.
gekoppelde gevallen 67696 14 mei 2018
Castricum (NH) Noordhollands Duinreservaat, terrein Castricum
67775 14 mei 2018
Castricum (NH) Noord-Hollands Duinreservaat


Roy Slaterus · Cirlgors Roy Slaterus · Cirlgors


Hans Schekkerman · Cirlgors

Sam Gobin · Cirlgors

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