Bruine Gent

Sula leucogaster  ·  Brown Booby

id 67426
datum 20 augustus 2017
gemeente Lopik (UT)
locatie telpost De Horde, Lopik
coördinaten N 51.97777  O 4.9963
aantal, kleed 1
soort waarneming veldwaarneming
status Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA
waarnemer(s) A. Boele. K. de Leeuw, F. Engelen et al
opmerkingen 20 August, De Horde, Lopik, Lopik, Utrecht, and Achthoven, Lexmond, Zederik, Zuid-Holland, adult, photographed (A Boele, K de Leeuw, F Engelen et al; Boele et al 2017; Dutch Birding 39: 361, plate 510-511, 2017). This observation came as a bolt from the blue... It was not only a fairly unexpected new species for the Netherlands in the first place, but the inland locality made the shock amongst Dutch birders complete. The bird passed an inland migration watch point along a river in an eastern direction around 08:00. Northern Gannet Morus bassanus was a species very high on the wish list for the regular observers here, so it is not hard to imagine they were left speechless after its extremely rare cousin flew by. Despite birders waiting for it at strategic places along Dutch rivers further east, nobody else in the Netherlands managed to pick it up. However, it was seen just across the border at Tinholt, Niedersachsen, Germany, at c 11:15 (c 150 km from De Horde). At 14:00 it was seen again further north-east near Bremen, Bremen, in Germany (285 km from De Horde; Boele et al 2017). It has also been accepted by the German rarities committee as a new species for Germany. Together with Pacific Swift, this was the second spectacular new species for the Netherlands that was unavailable for Dutch twitchers. The booby was accepted as the nominate subspecies S l leucogaster. Annual Report 2017.
gekoppelde gevallen 67426 20 augustus 2017
Lopik (UT) telpost De Horde, Lopik
67546 20 augustus 2017
Vijfheerenlanden (ZH) Lexmond, Achthoven, Lekoever


Kees de Leeuw · Bruine Gent Arjan Boele · Bruine Gent Kees de Leeuw · Bruine Gent Arjan Boele · Bruine Gent Gert Vonk · Bruine Gent Kees de Leeuw · Bruine Gent

Bruine Gent langs telpost De Horde bij Lopik op 20 augustus 2017 [dutchbirding.nl]

Vogelaars in rep en roer: tropische Gent boven de Lek [ad.nl]

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