Seebohms Tapuit

Oenanthe seebohmi  ·  Seebohm's Wheatear

id 67424
datum 22 mei 2017
gemeente 's-Gravenhage (ZH)
locatie Kijkduin
coördinaten N 52.06608  O 4.2163
aantal, kleed 1, tweede-kalenderjaar mannetje
soort waarneming veldwaarneming
status Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA
waarnemer(s) N. van der Marel, G.J. Gelling, V. van der Spek et al
opmerkingen 22 May, Kijkduin and Solleveld, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, second calendar-year male, photographed, videoed (N van der Marel, G J Gelling, V van der Spek et al; Gelling & van der Spek 2017; Dutch Birding 39: 221, plate 303, 222, plate 304, 284, plate 388-389, 2017). With the Pacific Swift and Brown Booby unavailable for birders, this probably was the birding highlight of 2017. The throat-patch was on the larger end for the taxon but all other features were spot on for Seebohm’s. It came unexpected but one could also argue that a spring overshoot record to north-western Europe of this medium-distance migrant was long overdue. Previous vagrants have turned up in Cameroon, the Canary Islands, Gibraltar, Malta and Tunisia. Annual Report 2017.
gekoppelde gevallen 67424 22 mei 2017
's-Gravenhage (ZH) Kijkduin
67957 22 mei 2017
's-Gravenhage (ZH) Solleveld


Gerjon Gelling · Seebohms Tapuit Vincent van der Spek · Seebohms Tapuit Arnoud B van den Berg · Seebohms Tapuit Vincent van der Spek · Seebohms Tapuit

Seebohms stress [dutchbirding.nl]


Arnoud B van den Berg · Seebohms Tapuit Arnoud B van den Berg · Seebohms Tapuit

DB 39:221 Seebohms Tapuit bij Den Haag

DB 42:86 Seebohms Tapuit in Den Haag in mei 2017

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