
Gypaetus barbatus  ·  Bearded Vulture

id 67300
datum 12 t/m 13 maart 2017: 2 dagen
gemeente Noordwijk (ZH)
locatie Achterweg
coördinaten N 52.22583  O 4.4513
aantal, kleed 1
soort waarneming veldwaarneming
status Niet aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA
opmerkingen 2cy, photographed (identification accepted, but following CDNA-policy not eligible for acceptance on status; also see introduction). (The criteria for re-introduced species that occur as vagrants have been updated. Populations have to be self-sustaining in order to qualify for potential acceptance. For example, Bearded Vulture Gypaetus barbatus is currently not acceptable as a wild vagrant, since the CDNA considers all observed individuals to originate from (not yet fully self-sustaining) re-introduction programs in the Alps.) Annual Report 2018.

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