Groenlandse Kolgans
Anser albifrons flavirostris · Greenland White-fronted Goose
id | 4340 | |
datum | 3 januari 2001 | |
gemeente | Nijkerk (GE) | |
locatie | Polder Arkemheen | |
coördinaten | vervaagd | |
aantal, kleed | 3, twee adult mannetjes en één adult vrouwtje | |
soort waarneming | (ring)vangst | |
status | Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA | |
waarnemer(s) | D.A. Jonkers | |
opmerkingen | 3 January, Polder Arkemheen, Nijkerk, Gelderland, three, adult, two males, one female, ringed with neck bands, inscriptions EJJ, EJS and EJV (D A Jonkers); the three birds were ringed during the same catch, with dark blue neck bands with white inscriptions. Two individuals were later seen at Polder Groot Mijdrecht and Polder Demmerik. On 29 October 2001, these two (EJS and EJV) were located and photographed in a flock of 7663 Greenland White-fronted Geese at Wexford Slobs, Wexford, Ireland, where they were last noted on 31 March 2002. Between 6 and 19 April 2002, the large majority of this group left Wexford to return to the breeding areas. On 27 October 2002, both birds had returned to the Wexford Slobs (Alyn Walsh in litt). This observation indicates that vagrants may return to their usual breeding and wintering areas. The third bird turned up at Polder Achteraf and Oostelijke Binnenpolder and was apparently later seen in Germany in autumn 2001. Annual Report 2001. | |
gekoppelde gevallen | 4340 |
3 januari 2001 Nijkerk (GE) Polder Arkemheen |
4343 |
7 februari t/m 30 maart 2001 Wijdemeren (NH) Polder Achteraf |
4344 |
7 februari t/m 30 maart 2001 Stichtse Vecht (UT) Oostelijke Binnenpolder |
4341 |
26 t/m 28 februari 2001 De Ronde Venen (UT) Polder Groot Mijdrecht |
4342 |
23 maart 2001 De Ronde Venen (UT) Polder Demmerik |

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