
Chroicocephalus genei  ·  Slender-billed Gull

id 12025
datum 30 april 2010
gemeente Veere (ZL)
locatie Westkapelle
coördinaten N 51.54278  O 3.4511
aantal, kleed 2, adult zomerkleed
soort waarneming veldwaarneming
status Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA
waarnemer(s) P.A. Wolf
opmerkingen 30 April, Westkapelle, Veere, Zeeland, photographed (P A Wolf), and Mokbaai, Texel, Noord-Holland, two, adults, summer plumage, photographed, videoed (A Brenk­man et al; Brenkman 2010; Dutch Birding 32: 218, plate 294, 226: plate 311-312, 2010). The CDNA decided that the birds at Westkapelle and on Texel concerned the same individuals. From Westkapelle, the birds flew north within minutes after they were discovered at c 12:30. Seven hours later, they were found on Texel, 200 km north of Westkapelle, where they stayed until 20:30 (Brenkman 2010). Annual Report 2010.
gekoppelde gevallen 12025 30 april 2010
Veere (ZL) Westkapelle
12026 30 april 2010
Texel (NH) Mokbaai


Pim A Wolf · Dunbekmeeuw

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