
Emberiza bruniceps  ·  Red-headed Bunting

id 9129
datum 24 mei 1961
gemeente Ameland (FR)
locatie Nes
coördinaten N 53.44657  O 5.7716
aantal, kleed 1, mannetje
soort waarneming veldwaarneming
status Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA
waarnemer(s) A. Valk, H.V.C.L. Donleben, J.D.G. Peereboom Voller
opmerkingen 24 May, Nes, Ameland, Friesland, male (A Valk, H V C L Donleben, J D G Peereboom Voller; Levende Nat 64: 145-146, 1961). The CDNA reviewed 31 records from 1933-80. Six records remained accepted. Of these, three (6 June 1933, late February 1937 and 6 July 1963) were already published (van den Berg & Bosman 1999). 25 records were not accepted because the description was poor or missing and in most cases several African Ploceus weavers could not be safely excluded (see rejected records below). A report from 7 May 1972 on Texel, Noord-Holland, is currently under review. The CDNA still welcomes details on the following five reports: March 1949, Goirle, Eindhoven, Noord-Brabant (contra van den Berg & Bosman 1999); 23 June 1963, Horloo, Ermelo, Gelderland; 13 August 1967, Ter Heijde, Monster, Zuid-Holland (contra van den Berg & Bosman 1999); 24-25 June 1969, Berkheide, Wassenaar, Zuid-Holland; and 7 June 1973, Katwijk aan Zee, Katwijk, Zuid-Holland (contra van den Berg & Bosman 1999). Other accepted records were on 29 May 1992 on Vlieland, Friesland, and on 2 June 1995 at Sint Philipsland, Zeeland. Annual Report 1999.

De Levende Natuur, 64(7), 145–146.(1961). | Een Bruinkopgors op Ameland.

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