
Neophron percnopterus  ·  Egyptian Vulture

id 8056
datum 25 april 2009
gemeente Hollands Kroon (NH)
locatie Polder Waard-Nieuwland
coördinaten N 52.91058  O 5.0150
aantal, kleed 1, vijfde of zesde-kalenderjaar
soort waarneming veldwaarneming
status Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA
waarnemer(s) F. Visscher
opmerkingen 25 April, Polder Waard-Nieuwland, Wieringen, Noord-Holland, 5th or 6th calendar-year, photographed (F Visscher; Visscher 2009; Dutch Birding 31: 203, plate 234, 209, plate 242-243, 2009). The bird was resting in a ploughed field at c 08:30. It was disturbed at c 09:00 by a noisy geese deterring device, disappearing in a north-westerly direction, before other birders could connect. The dark bill-tip indicative for the nominate subspecies N p percnopterus was noed. A report of what may have been the same bird flying over east of Castricum, Noord-Holland, at 11:15 on the same day has not (yet) been submitted. The first record was at Epen, Limburg, on 24-25 May 2001. Annual Report 2009.


Fred Visscher · Fred Fisscher Fred Visscher · Aasgier Fred Visscher · Aasgier

DB 31:208 actueel - Aasgier kortstondig op Wieringen


Fred Visscher · Aasgier

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