Iberische Tjiftjaf

Phylloscopus ibericus  ·  Iberian Chiffchaff

id 69152
datum 8 mei t/m 18 juni 2022: 42 dagen
gemeente Zeewolde (FL)
locatie Hulkesteinse Bos
coördinaten N 52.25874  O 5.4222
aantal, kleed 1
soort waarneming veldwaarneming
status Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA
waarnemer(s) M Schoonderwoerd, F van der Meer et al
opmerkingen singing, photographed, sound-recorded. Reportedly, this Zeewolde bird was paired with a Common Chiffchaff P collybita and produced four young, but the documentation of the breeding and its outcome was too limited to accept four additional hybrid birds. Except for a single in July 2017, all records are from spring, from 8 April to the end of June. All were found on song and/or call and one may wonder how many go unnoticed or end up misidentified at ringing stations.


Frank van der Meer · Iberische Tjiftjaf

Frank van der Meer · Iberische Tjiftjaf

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