
Apus horus  ·  Horus Swift

id 69032
datum 26 t/m 27 september 2019: 2 dagen
gemeente Schiermonnikoog (FR)
locatie Jacobspad, and Westerplas
coördinaten N 53.49648  O 6.1652
aantal, kleed 1, 1e kj
soort waarneming veldwaarneming
status Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA
waarnemer(s) J J F J Jansen et al
opmerkingen photographed (Jansen & Driessens 2024; Dutch Birding 41: 429, plate 585-586, 442, plate 612-613, 2019, 46: 145-146, plate 211-216, 148-151, figure 1-6, 2024). This record has led to an in-depth paper on the identification of this species (Jansen & Driessens 2023). It took more than four years and consultation of foreign experts to decide on its identification. It concerns a new species for the Netherlands and also for the Western Palearctic.

André-Willem Faber · 27 september, Schierzwaluw,

Waarnemingen [waarneming.nl]

DB 46:145-155 Horusgierzwaluw op Schiermonnikoog in september 2019 [Horus Swift at Schiermonnikoog in September 2019]

DB 45:73-116 Horus Swift: identification, plumage variation and distribution

De Schierzwaluw: stand van zaken 5 november 2019 · Justin Jansen & Gerald Driessens [dutchbirding.nl]

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