
Zonotrichia albicollis  ·  White-throated Sparrow

id 68286
datum 27 t/m 31 oktober 2019: 5 dagen
gemeente Rotterdam (ZH)
locatie Maasvlakte - Stuifdijk
coördinaten N 51.98018  O 4.0553
aantal, kleed 1, adult
soort waarneming veldwaarneming
status Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA
waarnemer(s) P Schrijvershof et al
opmerkingen photographed, sound-recorded ( Dutch Birding 41: 452, plate 636, 2019). Despite being the country’s second-commonest Nearctic passerine after Red-eyed Vireo Vireo olivaceus (which has nine records), this was only the first to be seen by many birders. While this is a garden bird in North America, this individual played hide and seek in dense vegetation and it took many a birder several hours to get as much as a glimpse. That the bird was seen in the vicinity of the largest seaport in Europe raised questions about how it got there. This was fuelled by one seen on board of the Canadian ship MR Arcadia while it passed Britain on 9 and 10 October (Dunn 2019). Though perhaps likely, there was no evidence to support the Dutch bird being ship-assisted. The Maasvlakte is a headland and it is arguably also the best rarity hotspot on the mainland.


Leo JR Boon · Witkeelgors Thijs Glastra · Witkeelgors Ludo van Dorst · Witkeelgors Mayro Pattikawa · Witkeelgors Mayro Pattikawa · Witkeelgors Paul Schrijvershof · Witkeelgors

Witkeelgors op de Maasvlakte [dutchbirding.nl]


Arnoud B van den Berg · Witkeelgors

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