
Vanellus spinosus  ·  Spur-winged Lapwing

id 67820
datum 16 juli t/m 8 augustus 2018: 24 dagen
gemeente Hollands Kroon (NH)
locatie Slootweg, Wieringermeer
coördinaten N 52.88054  O 4.9383
aantal, kleed 1, adult
soort waarneming veldwaarneming
status Niet aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA
opmerkingen photographed, videoed (Dutch Birding 40: 256, plate 332, 247, plate 463 & 465, 2018; identification accepted). This species is common in captivity and out of the now 12 known sightings in the Netherlands, 11 were either proven (by rings, or because they concerned confiscated birds from the illegal trade that were released into the wild), or extremely likely (eg, by plumage irregularities or extremely confiding behaviour) to have originated from captivity, including a ringed bird present in Zeeland at the same time as this one. Additionally, the committee found a potential European vagrancy pattern not yet convincing. Therefore the committee decided to err on the side of caution and not accept this bird as wild. This species is however increasing in the breeding areas (though declines have been reported in some parts) and expanding its range (Wiersma & Kirwan 2020a). A clearer pattern of sightings across Europe might emerge in the future and this could result in a future reconsideration of its status. Annual Report 2019.


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