
Phylloscopus orientalis  ·  Eastern Bonelli's Warbler

id 67681
datum 14 mei 2018
gemeente Heemskerk (NH)
locatie Berenweide, Noord-Hollands duinreservaat
coördinaten N 52.50805  O 4.6152
aantal, kleed 1
soort waarneming veldwaarneming
status Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA
waarnemer(s) R.S.A. van Bemmelen et al
opmerkingen 14 May, singing, photographed, sound-recorded (R S A van Bemmelen et al; Admiraal et al 2018, van Bemmelen 2019; Dutch Birding 40: 211, plate 283, 283, plate 380, 2018, 41: 91, plate 113-114, 2019). Alarmed by the hybrid Western Bonelli’s x Wood Warbler P bonelli x sibilatrix (see above), a keen observer was primed on bonelli’s warbler as he cycled to work through the same dune reserve. Very much to his surprise, he actually heard one singing. With a laptop in his bag he was able to make a sonagram in the field only to see his suspicion confirmed: the bird he just found was the first Eastern Bonelli’s Warbler since 1993! It mainly sang and rarely uttered its diagnostic call in the morning and afternoon, while the reverse was true for the evening. With this bird, the hybrid (if accepted) and the Western Bonelli’s P bonelli on Schiermonnikoog, all present on 14 May, there was a remarkable ‘bonelli bonanza’ that day. Annual Repoprt 2018.


Diederik Kok · Balkanbergfluiter Diederik Kok · Balkanbergfluiter Diederik Kok · Balkanbergfluiter


Rob van Bemmelen · Balkanbergfluiter

Daan Drukker · Balkanbergfluiter

Zo maar een ochtend in Castricum [dutchbirding.nl]


Arnoud B van den Berg · Balkanbergfluiter, 14 mei 2018, Heemskerk


Arnoud B van den Berg · Balkanbergfluiter, 14 mei 2018, Heemskerk

DB 41:90 Balkanbergfluiter in Noordhollands Duinreservaat in mei 2018

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