
Streptopelia orientalis meena  ·  Rufous Turtle Dove

id 67227
datum 30 t/m 31 oktober 2016: 2 dagen
gemeente Vlieland (FR)
locatie Vlieland - derde Kroonspolder
coördinaten vervaagd
aantal, kleed 1
soort waarneming (ring)vangst
status Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA
waarnemer(s) F. Majoor et al
opmerkingen 30-31 October, Kroonspolder, Vlieland, Friesland, first calendar-year, ringed, photographed (F Majoor et al; Dutch Birding 38: 474, plate 722, 2016). The first Oriental Turtle Dove S orientalis dates from as recent as the winter of 2009/10. Since then, five more have been recorded of which two could not be assigned to subspecies; the other four were accepted as Rufous Turtle Dove. The 2016 bird was the first to be ringed. A bird photographed on Vlieland on 20 October 2012 (cf van Duivendijk 2016; cf Dutch Birding 38: 294, plate 458-459, 2016) has only recently been submitted. Annual Report 2016.


Frank Majoor · Oosterse Tortel

Trektellen, zondag 30 Oktober 2016 [trektellen.nl]

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