Prunella montanella · Siberian Accentor
id | 67145 | |
datum | 21 oktober 2016 | |
gemeente | Rotterdam (ZH) | |
locatie | Maasvlakte - Vuurtorenvlakte | |
coördinaten | N 51.97980 O 4.0348 | |
aantal, kleed | 1, 1e kj | |
soort waarneming | veldwaarneming | |
status | Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA | |
waarnemer(s) | J. van Deijk, J. Lotz et al | |
opmerkingen | 21 October, Vuurtorenvlakte, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, first calendar-year, photographed, videoed (J van Deijk, J Lotz et al; van Deijk & Lotz 2016, van Deijk et al 2017; Dutch Birding 38: 472, plate 717, 485, plate 740-741, 2016, 39: 323-325, plate 452-453, 2017). In a year like this, it is hard to pinpoint the ultimate highlight but this one surely comes close. Before 2016, not many people expected this new bird but due to the unprecedented influx in Europe in autumn 2016, expectations reached a boiling point. In the days prior to this record, many birders were looking for the species at presumed suitable sites. Thankfully, this one popped up at the rarity hotspot that Maasvlakte – despite all the changes to this industrial port area – still is. It disappeared shortly after its discovery but eventually showed extremely well to a very relieved and pleased crowd. It could not be relocated the following day. Many expected more birds to show up but in the end this one turned out to be the most southwesterly record of the entire European influx. Hence, looking back, it is fair to say that Dutch twitchers were in fact lucky to get ‘only’ one record. Annual Report 2016. |

Tijmen van Doornik · Bergheggenmus, Maasvlakte, 21 oktober 2016, Tijmen van Doornik
RTV Rijnmond · Bergheggenmus, Maasvlakte, 21 oktober 2016, RTV Rijnmond
Jan Vanwynsberghe · Bergheggenmus, Maasvlakte, 21 oktober 2016, Jan Vanwynsberghe
Eindelijk ook Nederland zijn Bergheggenmus - Verhaal van de ontdekkers: Preventief naar de Maasvlakte [dutchbirding.nl]

Drukte op de Maasvlakte: geen Pokémon maar bergheggenmus [nos.nl]
Bergheggenmus op de Maasvlakte [benvandenbroek.blogspot.nl]

DB 39:323 Bergheggenmus op Maasvlakte in oktober 2016
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