Kuhls | Scopoli's Pijlstormvogel

Calonectris borealis | diomedea  ·  Cory's | Scopoli's Shearwater

id 29729
datum 1 september 2014
gemeente Bergen (NH) (NH)
locatie Camperduin
coördinaten N 52.72365  O 4.6406
aantal, kleed 1
soort waarneming veldwaarneming
status Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA
waarnemer(s) N.F. van der Ham, C. Martens, M. Martens et al
opmerkingen 1 September, Camperduin, Bergen, Noord-Holland, photographed (N F van der Ham, C Martens, M Martens et al). The bird passing this famous seawatching point on 1 September could be photographed, which rarely happens. Unfortunately, the quality of the photographs is very poor but they support the identification. As was the case with all other records of passing Calonectris shearwaters, the CDNA could not decide which species was involved. Annual Report 2014.


Maurits Martens · Kuhls | Scopoli's Pijlstormvogel Maurits Martens · Kuhls | Scopoli's Pijlstormvogel Maurits Martens · Kuhls | Scopoli's Pijlstormvogel

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