Oosterse Zwarte Roodstaart

Phoenicurus ochruros phoenicuroides  ·  Eastern Black Redstart

id 26309
datum 9 t/m 12 november 2012: 4 dagen
gemeente Noardeast-Fryslân (FR)
locatie Paesens
coördinaten N 53.40216  O 6.0863
aantal, kleed 1, eerste-kalenderjaar mannetje
soort waarneming veldwaarneming
status Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA
waarnemer(s) B. Duker, R. Huiting et al
opmerkingen 9-12 November, Paesens, Dongeradeel, Friesland, first calendar-year male, photographed (B Duker, R Huiting et al; Faber & Huiting 2012; Dutch Birding 34: 429, plate 606, 2012, 35: 63, plate 95, 2013). The second and third for 2012 turned up within the period of just a few days. The first was at IJmuiden, Noord-Holland, on 21-23 October 2003 (Steijn 2005). Steijn (2005) investigated the crucial identification characters to safely exclude hybrids Common x Black Redstart P phoenicurus x ochruros. A bird photographed at Oosterend, Terschelling, Friesland, on 13 November 2011 and published as Eastern Black Redstart (Dutch Birding 34: 68, plate 90, 2012) was not accepted because the photographs showed not enough detail to establish the wing-tip spacing. Annual Report 2012.


Rob Olivier · Oosterse Zwarte Roodstaart Rob Olivier · Oosterse Zwarte Roodstaart Rob Olivier · Oosterse Zwarte Roodstaart

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