Kleine Torenvalk

Falco naumanni  ·  Lesser Kestrel

id 26264
datum 23 maart 2002
gemeente Ede (GE)
locatie Hoge Veluwe
coördinaten N 52.05925  O 5.8216
aantal, kleed 1
soort waarneming veldwaarneming
status Niet aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA
waarnemer(s) W. Wilmers
opmerkingen The CDNA has decided to reject the previously accepted female at De Hoge Veluwe, Gelderland, on 23 March 2002 (Ebels et al 2015; Dutch Birding 37: 103, plate 158, 2015). Of this ‘accidentally’ photograph­ed bird, only a single photograph is available. It was accepted many years later after a long process. After recon­sideration, the CDNA concluded that some plumage details were not consistent with this species and that the pale claws (clearly visible in the photograph) were in itself insufficient to retain the record on the Dutch list. The single remaining record concerns a female found weaken­ed (which later died) near Bergen, Noord-Holland, on 5 November 2000 (Ebels & Roselaar 2005). Annual Report 2016.


Wim Wilmers · Torenvalk

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