Noordse Boszanger

Phylloscopus borealis  ·  Arctic Warbler

id 12035
datum 6 september 2010
gemeente Schagen (NH)
locatie Zwanenwater
coördinaten vervaagd
aantal, kleed 1
soort waarneming (ring)vangst
status Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA
waarnemer(s) F.J. Koning
opmerkingen 6 September, Zwanenwater, Zijpe, Noord-Holland, ringed, photographed (F J Koning; Dutch Birding 32: 436, plate 620, 2010). This was the third record in the first decade of September, the earliest ever being on Vlieland, Friesland, on 1 September 1998. The site where this species was found in 2010 was typical: a ringer's net in one of the northern coastal provinces. Two birds have ever been found in the south-west and only four have been twitchable. Annual Report 2010.


Fred J Koning · Noordse Boszanger Fred J Koning · Noordse Boszanger

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