Klein Waterhoen

Zapornia parva  ·  Little Crake

id 11193
datum 17 mei 2007
gemeente Zeewolde (FL)
locatie Harderbroek
coördinaten N 52.36493  O 5.5777
aantal, kleed 1, mannetje
soort waarneming veldwaarneming
status Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA
waarnemer(s) D. Kok, J. van den Berg, H. Brinks et al
opmerkingen 17 May, Harderbroek, Zeewolde, Flevoland, male, sound-recorded (D Kok, J van den Berg, H Brinks et al). This bird was only heard and seen (!) with certainty on the first evening and night. Subsequent reports until 20 May have not been accepted, since a neighbouring Water Rail Rallus aquaticus was making almost the same sound. There are now 49 individuals accepted (including five fledglings of the only confirmed breeding record back in 1951), of which 36 are from before 1980. Since then, Little Crakes have been recorded less than annually with 13 in 1980-2007 of which four at the (site of the) Harderbroek reserve (in 1980, 1985, 1996 and 2007). However, historically, the best place for this species is Kampereiland, Kampen, Overijssel, where a total of 21 individuals has been recorded in 1955-69. Annual Report 2007.


Hans ter Haar · Klein Waterhoen

Hans ter Haar · Klein Waterhoen

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