Grote Aalscholver

Phalacrocorax carbo carbo ㅤ  ·  Atlantic Great Cormorant

id 26841
datum 7 april 2000
gemeente Velsen (NH)
locatie Zuidpier, IJmuiden
coördinaten N 52.46030  O 4.5495
aantal, kleed 3, onvolwassen
soort waarneming veldwaarneming
status Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA
waarnemer(s) D.J. Moerbeek
opmerkingen 7 April, Zuidpier, IJmuiden, Velsen, Noord-Holland, three, immature, photographed (D J Moerbeek). The annually returning Heel individual was colour-ringed (orange with black markings AX on its left leg) as a chick in a colony at Abberton Reservoir near Colchester, Essex, England, on 3 May 1997 (cf van den Berg et al 2000). This is a mixed colony where both (nominate) Atlantic Great Cormorant and Continental Great Cormorants P c sinensis breed. Because the identification criteria to separate the two taxa were not yet firmly established at the time, the CDNA decided not to accept it as Atlantic Great (cf van der Vliet et al 2001). Since then, however, Newson et al (2004) published a set of identification criteria, after which the CDNA decided to recirculate and accept the Heel bird, as well as the four IJmuiden birds; the latter four are the first birds without colour-rings to be accepted. Annual Report 2005.

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